
  • Apollo II Dimmable Liquid Viewer

  • Simple Particulate Detection

    Adjustable Light Level Control

    Delivery Within Days


    Product Specification:

    • In front of the black panel, light coloured particulates will be visible, and in front of the white panel, dark coloured particulates will be visible.
    • Height and angle adjustable.
    • Intuitive assembly; no tools required.
    • Light level between 1,200 and 3,500 Lux: adjustable by dimmer control, depending on the light in the room.
    • Bulbs have a service life of 50,000 hours.
    • Folds for storage, with the inspection surfaces together to prevent damage.


    Adelphi Manufacturing also offer:

  • Apollo II Dimmable liquid inspection viewer
  • Apollo II Dimmable liquid inspection viewer
  • Zero EU Import Duty. Available from Stock (subject to availability)

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  • Pricing:

    Product No. Description Material Price
    6031515 Apollo II Dimmable Liquid Inspection Unit £1375.00

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