
  • Kilco International

    Adelphi Masterfil’s bespoke alloy electrodes enable safer filling of corrosive products at Kilco International

  • Kilco International (a division of the Kersia Group), based in Scotland, are a market leader in products for the detergents, disinfectants and agricultural solutions industries. Their outstanding Animal Health Department is considered an international authority on biosecurity products and protocols, with Kilco avian representatives often among the first called to a site in the event of an outbreak such as Bird Flu. They have a varied client-base of both distributors and end-users, throughout the UK and as far afield as Saudi Arabia, Russia, India and Pakistan.

    20L – 1,000L Fills

    Adelphi Masterfil are pleased to be able to assist Kilco with the filling of their range of chemical-based and animal health, which includes sanitary products, bleaches, detergents, foot wash, vehicle wash and more. In 2016, when the originally family-run Kilco were expanding and modernising their operations and facilities, Adelphi Masterfil were pleased to create two Boom Arm Fillers to suit Kilco鈥檚 requirements. These semi-automatic weigh scale filling machines can fill containers from 20 鈥 1000L (normally drums and IBC鈥檚), with exceptional filling accuracy of +/- 0.2%.

    Engineering Co-Ordinator John Forsyth remembered the Masterfil brand and had seen Masterfil machines in action in a previous role outside of Kilco, so when the need for new machinery arose, he went straight to Adelphi Masterfil鈥檚 website. 鈥淭he only supplier we really seriously considered in our purchasing process was Adelphi Masterfil鈥, remembers John, 鈥渁s I鈥檇 had previous positive experience of their machinery鈥.

    Proven Accuracy & Reliability

    To assist with the sale, Adelphi arranged for John, along with Kilco鈥檚 Technical Director, to visit the site of another company who already had Adelphi Masterfil Boom Fillers up and running. After seeing the machines in action, John immediately ordered two, and he describes them as 鈥渇lexible鈥, 鈥渇aster than our existing indexing filler鈥, and 鈥渧ery good indeed at what they do鈥.

    Bespoke Solutions – No Problem!

    During the design phase, Adelphi Masterfil鈥檚 technical team were able to engineer-in some bespoke alloy electrodes to allow Kilco鈥檚 machines to handle more corrosive products, including their range of sodium hydroxide, sodium hydrochloride and iodine based products. In addition to this amendment, John describes the key advantages of the Boom Fillers for his applications as 鈥渟peed鈥 and 鈥渘eeding less wash-down in between products, so faster product changeover鈥.

    The latter was a significant factor as Kilco are using the Boom Fillers to fill their chemical and sanitary range into 20L, 25L, 200L and 1000L containers. John also cites 鈥渆liminating the need for the manual handling of full drums鈥 as a major benefit of Adelphi Masterfil鈥檚 machines: 鈥渨e now place empty drums onto a pallet, on which they are filled by the Boom Fillers before being pallet-wrapped, which is much more efficient鈥.

    Comprehensive Spares & Servicing Support

    John is also keen to stress his positive experiences with Adelphi Masterfil鈥檚 servicing and spares (after-sales) department. If ever an issue arises with the machines, John enthuses that 鈥淎delphi are always on the other end of the phone 鈥 I just call them, and they sort it out for me. They always phone back with a solution within 15 minutes, and within about 3 days we have an engineer at our site鈥. In regards to scheduled servicing, John says that 鈥渨e rarely touch the machines ourselves, we just leave them to do their thing; we trust Adelphi Masterfil鈥檚 specialist engineers, and have our machines serviced a minimum of once per year鈥. He describes the servicing team as 鈥100% good 鈥 I couldn鈥檛 ask for better!鈥

    Kilco also own a 5L Adelphi Masterfil Volumetric Filler, and semi-automatic Response Benchtop Filler from sister company Adelphi Manufacturing, which is utilised by their Animal Health team.

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