
  • Balmy Fox

    Well-Deserved Growth for a Business with a Heart

  • In 2021, artisan skincare manufacturers Paul & Kirstie Stenning of Balmy Fox took the plunge and invested in a Response Benchtop Filler from Adelphi Manufacturing.

    6 months later, Paul sat down with Adelphi Manufacturing’s Dean Willis to discuss the bright future of his brand…

    “It’s our little menagerie” laughs Paul, as Dean is warmly welcomed to the Balmy Fox site by dogs Rudy and Ralph, Bobbin the cat and Lola the donkey. Situated in the beautiful Welsh hills, the unique charm of the brand and its owners infuses every aspect of the site and their products.

    Simple, Friendly and Straight-Forward

    “Where we’ve got to is a massive step from where we were 18 months ago,” enthuses Paul. He remembers his decision to invest in the Response being swayed by the simplicity with which Adelphi Manufacturing approached the quotation and installation process – “it was all easy!” “Other companies’ machinery initially seemed cheaper, but additional charges for training and installation started to add up.” With Adelphi Manufacturing, what you see is what you get.

    Paul reminisces, “as soon as we started using the machine, we thought ‘Right, this is it, this is great!’”  From initial batches of 0.5L, Balmy Fox are now formulating and filling batches of up to 10L at a time, achieving “2 batches per day easily.”

    Sustainable Manufacturing – A Shared Approach

    Social and environmental considerations are at the core of the Balmy Fox ethos, with their beautiful products made with organic and ethically sourced ingredients, and presented in fully recyclable containers. With environmental consciousness at an all-time high, this is a philosophy which resonates with customers near and far, and they aim to become fully accredited as an organic company in the near future.

    Adelphi Manufacturing approaches their corporate social responsibilities similarly from the heart, with a double-award winning eco-friendly production facility, charitable partnerships, and wide-ranging community outreach work which is keeping local facilities alive for the next generation.

    Well Positioned for Future Growth

    “We haven’t yet got the Response machine doing anywhere near what it could do!” says Paul. “We’re taking it slowly to learn – even as we grow further, manufacturing will be able to remain all in-house, which very much keeps the heart in the products.”

    The lifting of some social restrictions has meant that Balmy Fox are now able to exhibit their products at trade shows nationally, including the prestigious National Outdoor Expo and the prominent Hickstead Show.

    With such a wealth of inspiration around them and new products in development all the time, including a Vegan balm and a range of dog shampoos – charmingly represented on the packaging by Ralph! – the future is extremely exciting for Balmy Fox. Adelphi Manufacturing are proud to be by their side throughout the undoubted phases of growth to come

    The Verdict –
    How was your experience with Adelphi Manufacturing?

    “Brilliant! Everything was made so simple – Dean would always say ‘No problem!’
    One of the factors which swung it for us was how easy Adelphi is to work with.”

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