
  • AmegA Sciences

    AmegA Sciences have just installed their third Masterfil filling and capping line from Adelphi.

    Mick Skinner, Works Manager at AmegA Sciences, explains why this relationship has stood the test of time.

  • High ROI for agrochemicals manufacturer
    with Adelphi Masterfil filling lines

    “The right balance between cost and quality”

    鈥淲e purchased our first filling line from Masterfil over fifteen years ago, having looked in great detail at a long list of alternatives. The Masterfil offering struck the right balance between cost and quality, and it was an added comfort to know that they were just a few hours down the road should we ever have needed them, not that we ever have. The line has by no means had an easy life, and the fact that it is still running reliably today is a testament to the engineering and build quality that we picked up on all those years ago.鈥

    Improved time and cost-efficiency

    鈥淭丑别 accuracy and reliability of our first line made the decision to buy our second line much easier. We knew from experience the improvements in efficiency we could expect, and so the ROI calculations were relatively simple to calculate, and were very accurate.

    AmegA had also grown to value the high quality of spares and service backup, and we rightly felt that the savings we gained from this more than offset the higher purchase cost. Since line two was installed, no other supplier has really come close to taking our business. All departments at AmegA are very happy with the relationship that we have with Adelphi Masterfil, and the three lines that we already have installed have caused us no significant problems at all.鈥

    Reliable delivery and installation

    鈥淭hanks to an unexpected jump in orders we required quite a sizeable increase in capacity, and needed it extremely quickly. With orders backing up it was imperative that we got production up and running by a deadline that was fast approaching. Adelphi Masterfil have proved themselves reliable at meeting their quoted delivery dates in the past, and for this project, timings were key.

    The line was duly delivered as promised and the installation by Adelphi Masterfil鈥檚 engineers went smoothly. All our container sizes (from 1 litre to 10 litres) were being filled and capped within tolerance, and so we found ourselves running at full production speeds within about half an hour of the line being signed off. Since then we have actually found that the line will run at a higher speed to that which we requested. In our industry we often have to get product out of the door with as little as twenty four hours notice, so every extra bit of production capacity is gratefully received!鈥

    Complete after-sales support

    “We have learned that even with the best sales forecasting it is still possible for a very large contract to catch you by surprise, and so we have already placed the order for our fourth line from Adelphi Masterfil.

    However, in this case Adelphi have agreed to hold stock of all long lead-time components specifically for our order. Doing so will enable them to shave about six weeks off their delivery time when we need to 鈥榩ush the button鈥 on the order. This is one of the many benefits we have realised by developing long-term relationships with our suppliers, and paying that little bit extra to work with companies like Adelphi Masterfil, who you can rely on to keep your best interests at heart.鈥

    “The savings we gained
    more than offset the purchase cost”

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