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  • Adelphi sponsor Haywards Heath Town Youth FC

    July 17, 2020

    Adelphi have sponsored – under 16’s team, for the 2020/21 season.

    The under 16’s play in the Mid Sussex Youth League, and before lockdown were winning local cups and fighting to top their division. Phil Pierpoint, Crew Manager at Haywards Heath Fire & Rescue service, who helps train the under 16’s team (which his son is a part of), reached out to Adelphi when the club began to struggle financially – Adelphi’s premises are based across the road from his fire station. Charity and community are very much at the heart of Adelphi’s values, and this represents one of many local causes which Adelphi are pleased to support. Other recent recipients have included the HHRFC Clubhouse Project, Raystede Animal Welfare Centre, Cuckfield Book Festival, Kangaroos and The Sussex Heart Charity.

    Under 16’s teammates Jack Pierpoint (Phil’s son) and Barnaby Grout (whose father Spencer also coaches the team), have been playing football locally together since they were 5 years old. They recently visited the Adelphi site to officially receive the sponsorship cheque from Adelphi’s Marketing Executive Rachel (pictured). The money will be used to fund new home and away football kits, training equipment, all-weather jackets and wet weather facilities for the team’s training and matches.

    Phil Pierpoint sent this message to the Adelphi team; “I would like to say again how very grateful I am for the very kind donation. This will transform my son’s team and the football club as a whole.”

    All at Adelphi send their very best wishes to Haywards Heath Town Youth FC, and hope that this sponsorship will inspire them to resume their winning ways after lockdown.

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